Wellbeing in the workplace

We all know Wednesday is hump day; but if hump day was a month, it would probably be March. With long nights and cold days, summer can feel like an age away. Coupled with everyday stresses, we can often put our wellbeing on the back burner. So this month we’re putting it back in the spotlight and giving you some tips on how you could improve your wellbeing in the workplace. As you probably already know, your wellbeing can be influenced by a multitude of factors and it can often be quite hard to pin point what’s having the greatest impact.

What contributes to wellbeing in the workplace?

Most researchers have found there are 9 major contributing factors to your wellbeing, all of which are interconnected. These being:

  • Mood
  • Employment and economic situation
  • Intellectual development and education
  • Physical health and diet
  • Home and surrounding areas
  • Relationships
  • Stability and state of residing country
  • Spiritual and cultural engagements
  • The environment

That might feel like a lot to keep up with, but we’ve integrated lots of these factors into our employee engagement programme, Jump – meaning that taking actions to improve your wellbeing at work will earn you Green Points and help you win prizes! Has wellbeing ever been so rewarding? Trying to improve your mood? You could give mindfulness a try, or simply go for a walk in nature. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as you take the time to relax, collect your thoughts and give yourself that mental space we all need. The mental health organisation Mind, provide lots of tips and resources for staying well at work – check them out here. Trying to be more productive? Whether it’s a new hobby, a stimulating lecture, or an insightful documentary – learning something new does wonders for your brain and consequently – helps you think clearer and work more efficiently. Getting out there and giving something new a go can also give your confidence and social life a boost! 

These are just a handful of the activities that we reward people for within our Jump employees programmes, as well as heaps of sustainable actions that are great for reducing the environmental impact of individuals, departments and organisations.

If you think your organisation could benefit from a Jump programme, please do get in touch!